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Deliver offer letters that win candidates

Deliver offer letters that win candidates

Past event available on demand August 20, 2019

Better experiences lead to more offers getting accepted. Sending an offer letter that’s approved by all the right people and on point for your star candidate can gobble up valuable time when moving fast matters most. Take too long and “poof!” the candidate you’ve spent weeks hiring is gone in an instant. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With Workable, you can have everything set up and ready to go as soon as you’ve made your decision. Spend 30 minutes with us and we’ll show you how.


Join our webinar to learn how to:


  • Create an experience that boosts your odds of getting a “Yes!”
  • Set up offer letter templates and get fast sign-off for different roles
  • Manage access to information and guarantee confidentiality
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